In a recent facebook poker poll the question was posed as to what the most humiliating thing players in Facebook Texas Holdem have done for a few free facebook poker chips. While “begged a stranger for facebook poker chips” received the most votes at 29%, a whopping 18% of you voted for “pretended to be a cute girl and tricked a guy into giving me chips”.
Are grown men really creating fake facebook profiles and filling them with pictures of sexy young girls just to scam other lonely men out of their facebook poker chips? Well, yes.
More importantly, why are guys so quick to fall for these tricks? Do they really think that hot young supermodels have nothing better to do with their time then play facebook poker and flirt with middle aged men who keep asking for their MSN so they can chat on instant messenger?  That’s right, they just flew in from their photo shoot in Paris and are winding down before they jet off to Milan with a few hands of Facebook Poker. .
And so far 11% of those who voted claimed that they’ve shown themselves on a webcam in exchange for facebook poker chips. Apparently Facebook poker has become a 24/7 online orgy with guys pretending to be girls flirting with other guys pretending to be rich oil barrons from the middle east. And the social gaming world goes round and round.
If you haven’t voted yet or just want to see the results, you can check them out here.