The Ace – King all in is a classic facebook poker donkey move, but they also have other moves that can help distinguish them. If any of these seem familiar to you because they’re part of your playing style, you might be a facebook poker donkey:
You chase anything and everything.
When you get 7 – 2 offsuit, the first thing that comes to your mind is “I should fold this…but what if 7 – 7 – 2 comes on the flop? The poker donkey is the eternal optimist, unable and unwilling to put down any cards because of the 3% chance that he might land a huge hand on the flop and is eager to push his facebook poker chips into the pot.
You were born to call.
Did someone who has been raising the entire hand just go all in with their facebook poker chips after the river? They probably have a very strong hand, but what the hell right? Call their bet and show ‘em whose boss with your monster pocket pair! A donkey will call just about every raise of facebook poker chips if there is the smallest chance that they might hit their flush or straight, however slim the chances. Donkeys love the excitement of being “in the pot” and to them poker is more of adrenaline rush then a game of skill and discipline.
You love to bluff.
The facebook poker donkey is a master of bluffing. The worse their hand is, the more they feel the need to bluff with huge raises of facebook chips. They watched a video on youtube about how to bluff in texas holdem and they believe they’ve mastered the most difficult maneuver in poker in 10 minutes of study. This particular breed of donkey can be distinguished by their nervous “chatter” in the chat box, something along the lines of “GO AHED AND CALL I DARE YOU” or “I HAVE ACEZ LOLZ!!”.
You’re always begging for facebook poker chips.
This is perhaps the most telling and obvious characteristic of thefacebook poker donkey. No matter how hot of a lucky streak a donkey might catch, in the end the odds always catch up with them and they lose all their facebook poker chips. Thats when they start out on their quest of panhandling from room to room telling all their friends about how they almost won a monster pot but instead lost all their chips, and if they could just loan them a few million they will get paid back right away. Yeah..sure thing donkey, just let me finish this hand..
Tags: facebook poker cheats, Facebook Poker Chips, facebook texas holdem poker, glamble poker chips, myspace poker chips, zynga poker chips