Can you cheat in facebook poker?
Unfortunately for those doing the searching, their questions are usually met with responses from hackers or scammers trying to steal their account information so they can steal their facebook poker chips. Unwitting players looking to boost their facebook chip stack are fooled into downloading free bots, trainers, programs that are filled with viruses or phishing sites that gather their passwords so that others can easily steal their poker chips.
There used to be a few methods floating around on youtube that would allow new players to easily get a few thousand facebook chips, but most of those methods have all since been made useless by new updates that the game makers have installed.
Now most of what is left are silly attempts by amateur hackers trying to gain access to your facebook or myspace accounts by publishing ridiculously bad videos or putting up poorly made websites. Think twice about how badly you want to find the nextcheat for facebook poker before you download one of the programs, because you may find that instead of millions offacebook poker chips, you now have none.