Lately it seems that everyone and their mother is after a working facebook poker bot to help them win more facebook poker chips. But can a bot really play facebook texas holdem poker well enough to win you chips reliably on a regular basis? Are facebook poker bots really just a set it and forget it program that you can leave running overnight so you can wake up in the morning to 100 million facebook poker chips? Despite endless searching on poker forums, there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward answer.
Poker bots tend to fall into 1 of 3 main categories:

1) Independently programmed bots: These bots do exactly what the name implies, they read the cards you’re dealt and then automatically respond by clicking check, raise, fold etc. Their decisions are based upon a very detailed and complicated set of algorithms that must be programmed into them so that they have a clear set of instructions on what to do in each situation. These are usually very advanced and a person needs to have a good understanding of programming to be able to tweak and modify these types of bots to customize their levels of play.

2) Third party decision brain bots: These types of bots are created by third parties and usually consist of a pre-written odds calculators that instantly calculates the number of outs and percentages of winning for each hand. Some examples of these are Poker Inspector and Poker Android. Some of these programs feed you the odds of each hand and let you decide how many facebook poker chips to wager, while others make the decision for you.

3) Stand alone applications: These types of bots are hard to find, and are usually the most advanced because of the amount of variable they take into consideration, such as number of players, previous hand betting etc.

So do any of these facebook poker bots actually work well enough to consistently win facebook poker chips, or would you better off buying your cat a laptop to grind away at the poker tables all day? Judging by the information available online, unless you have a good understanding of programming or at least a very good understanding of computers in general, it’s going to be very difficult for anyone to use one of these programs because of the level of customization needed to obtain success. You will never find an out of the box poker bot that is ready to go with one click, there are always variables that need to be set to acclimate the program to the unique game that you are playing.

In other words, unless you know what you’re doing, you’d probably be better off buying your cat a laptop.


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