Facebook poker chips are a lot like most other digital currencies used in online virtual worlds, except instead of buying swords and armor like in World of Warcraft or Homes and Property in Second Life, you play in online poker tournaments with your friends and family and buy them dancing midgets or digital tequila shots. Facebook chips are utilized inside digital texas holdem poker applications found on social networking websites like Facebook and Myspace by poker players all over the globe from the Usa, to Spain, to Germany.
Gamers socialize inside the program after meeting up in distinctively tiered poker tables which usually are structured in accordance to the number of myspace or facebook poker chips they will need to buy in. You can join a game with just a few hundred facebook poker chips to start or play in the highroller tables where the minimum buying is hundreds of millions of chips.
Besides the regular hands of zynga texas holdem poker that online players can take advantage of, there is a bunch of additional lesser but equally valuable lessons for social interaction present in the game. For instance, participants are able to purchase presents for one another using their facebook poker chips and distribute them right away at the table next to the players profiles. These items may be sent to poke fun at a weak player (there are digital chickens), commend a well played hand (virtual booze), or just antagonize another player at the table (sending hershey kisses).
The competition in the higher tables is intense and participants are continually working for the remote chance to see their name listed on the top players list, which is composed of the finest gamers whom have won the highest levels of zynga poker chips or facebook poker chips from countries and cities around the world.
Every poker player in the game is ranked compared to every other player, and also against their own friend list. For instance, somebody may well possess a ranking of 4500 in the world, yet be number 5 on his personal friend list which is comprised of friends, family members, and colleagues inside the application or on their respective social network.
Facebook poker chips hold no actualy monetary value outside of the online game, yet that hasn't stopped practically 25 million people from all backrounds, genders, and ages from pushing it to one of the top games of all time on Facebook and MySpace. It's a shining example of the maturation of social gaming and interaction on these sites by consumers who are increasingly prepared to devote more and more time and also spend their hard earned money to socialize and engage new people in virtual environments from the comfort of their own houses and desktops.
As an increasing number of gamers all over the globe link up to the world wide web for the first time and sign up with social networks this craze for online games can only be expect to continue at it's current torrid pace. Some games like Farmville already have upwards of 70 million monthly users that login everyday to tend to their farms, upgrade their machinery, and decorate their virtual real estate with homes and fences. Social gaming appears poised to be one of the biggest growth industries of the decade.